Every morning Kennedy and I sing Psalms 118:24, "this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" This has always given me the opportunity to talk to Kennedy about all that God has made, we talk about weather, animals and nature. Today I was happy when she began singing along with mommy. I always love the days she wants to sing along, because yesterday, when mommy began to sing, Kennedy said...."No Mommy, I don't like it!" I however continued to sing. Then Kennedy respond, "No mommy, Stop." At this point I realized this was a teachable moment for not only Kennedy, but myself.
I stopped, looked at Kennedy in the rear view mirror and said..." Mommy is not singing for you, I am singing for Jesus."
I realized at this moment, that sometimes we might not feel like praising the Lord, but when we show up and sit before his feet and worship his name, he will meet us there. Also, I know that by constantly praising God with Kennedy, she will learn that it is a daily commitment, and even when we are feeling off, we still can come before Jesus and prayer and song.
Today is truly the day that the Lord has made, let us all rejoice and be glad in it!